To find out about the most suitable vision correction option, register for a visit, or find out other important information, leave your contacts, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
"Latvian American Eye Center" and "Сenter of Vision Excellence" chief doctor, certified ophthalmologist-surgeon
Specializations - cataracts, glaucoma diagnostics, therapy and surgery, vitreoretinal surgery
Certified pediatric ophthalmologist and strabismus specialist
Specializations - pediatric ophthalmology and strabology
Certified ophthalmologist - surgeon
Specializations - cataracts, glaucoma diagnostics, therapy and surgery, ophthalmic plastic surgery, contact lenses
Certified ophthalmologist - surgeon
Specializations - cataracts, glaucoma diagnostics, therapy and surgery, refractive surgery (ICL), corneal transplantation, contact lenses
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - neuro-ophthalmology, retinal disease diagnostics, treatment and laser treatment
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - retinal disease diagnosis, treatment and laser treatment
Certified ophthalmologist - surgeon
Specializations - cataract surgery, glaucoma and retinal disease diagnostics and therapy
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and treatment of cataract, glaucoma and retinal diseases
Certified ophthalmologist - surgeon, laser ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and therapy of retinal diseases (laser therapy, intravitreal injections), laser vision correction, cataract surgery, glaucoma diagnostics and therapy
Certified ophthalmologist, laser ophthalmologist, a pediatric ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and therapy of cataracts, glaucoma and retinal diseases, pediatric ophthalmology, laser vision correction
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and treatment of cataract, glaucoma and retinal diseases
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and treatment of cataract, glaucoma and retinal diseases
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and treatment of cataract, glaucoma and retinal diseases
Certified ophthalmologist
Specializations - diagnosis and treatment of cataract, glaucoma and retinal diseases
Certified ophthalmologist
Certified ophthalmologist